Wednesday 19 March 2014

The World, Me -- Poem

Where I Come From

Life is the constant discovery of dreams, of ideas, of where you want to go.
I am not an item from somewhere, sometime, or someone,
But a item who live my dreams
Live my imagination.

You may think I’m some sort of crazy, delusional kid, who only knows how to talk,
But I can tell you now, that life is really just what you think of it.
It may seem hard if you believe it is hard, it may be happy, joyful, and solemn…
It all comes down to what you, and what only you think.

I am from the ever-splashing sounds of waves,
From the evergreen trees that stands tall in my heart like the laws of time.
I can change the world, not only mine, but yours as well!
Though how I’ll manage, I don’t know, for before I understand this thought, I cannot.

I see the stars that shoot down like raindrops,
I see the everyday thumbs-ups and thumbs-downs,
I view the world from not only me, but from others as well.
From rock’s, from water, from animal’s, they are not foreign, as we are all one.

The lightning has struck, creating burning fire,
The wrinkled leaf has fallen off an old and wise tree,
The shuffling noise of feet through my life has just begun, yet again.
You can change your life even in a moment of thought…

This... I guess is a rather... weird and strange poem which I believe isn't long enough... but anyways, this is only a *first* draft, so, ahem, I still have time. ^^ (smile, smile and be happy) 

If you want to see more of my writing... please visit my page called: My Writing

Also, do you understand the meaning of the poem? If you do, or have ANY idea, send me a comment!!
Thanks my friends!!

Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. I just realised that the poem sounds rather interesting even if you read it the other way round! XD

