Wednesday 18 June 2014

Life... What is it?

You know... have you ever had that time when you ask yourself what 'life' is?  When it seems like you don't have anything to do? Well, I always do... (hey, hey, its not supposed to be depressing!! ...okay? ^^) 

I always wonder about what to do with my life, constantly trying to find things to do, things to enjoy, but sometimes we just feel... um.. (what is a good word........? Never mind, I thought of one.) Sometimes I just don't want to do anything, and think that I haven't accomplished much in my lifetime when others have done so much for this world. 

I am sometimes afraid that maybe one day if I wake up and when I look behind myself, I'll see nothing- nothing to be proud of. But that is not entirely true. From since I was born to now, I have done many things, though there are also heaps of things that I haven't done. I was able to make friends, to find what I like doing, to laugh to cry, and how to be a loving human being. That is what I was able to do with the years that I lived. 

I'm sure that many of you think that your life is sometimes insignificant, but thats really not the case! In our life time, we are able to meet around millions of people. If you think about it, you may have changed their life for the better! This is why we should cherish ourselves, and those you met as a traveler of life. 

I had a discussion in one of my classes about how people are treated because of their: gender, race, preferences, body shape, accent etc. and I thought- why do people care so much about the appearance of someone so much? (oh yeah, its not like I don't judge a book by its cover or anything but that is not all you should look at) I believe why the appearance matter so much to people these days is because that is what you give people as a first impression. Now days (oh yeah... I'm sounding distant now... ahem... sorry to you youngsters... wa...wait, I'm a youngster too...) people seem to just let the first impression stick with them without trying to get to know the person better, and so there are lots of people letting that become a habit. These people will then have a view on what is pretty, what is ugly, what is normal (though the normal is nowadays affected by images from those beauty magazines where nearly everything is Photoshopped to 'perfection'. (Nothing is perfect. Remember.) When our standards are so high that normal people can't even compare to, thats when some forms of bullying happen. "Ah, why do you look so fat? You should eat less." or "You legs are so short!" etc. What has become of our society? Why are our views on beauty changing? Why do we get effected by people who say really idiotic things without even thinking? That is because we are overly self conscious, we are bullying ourselves. We are comparing ourselves to those Photoshopped models on magazines, on television, on advertisements. I guess it can't be helped as we as humans just like to compare ourselves and to be able to be recognised by someone. Its our heart which demands us to improve that is dong this to us. Don't change that, just take other people's opinions as a random comment which comes as easily as it goes, because only then, are you free of being compared. 

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