


"In three words I can sum up everything I've learnt about life: it goes on." 
                 ~   Robert Frost 

To me this quote represented much more than you would expect a kid like me to understand. It showed me things that get mentioned everywhere. This plane crashed - life goes on. That person died - life goes on. After a hard day at school and you get scrolled - life goes on.

"it goes on" to me means many things to me (listed below):

  • No one has the time to stop and sometimes relax to look behind them and to remember what has happened in the past. 
  • It also sometimes seem utterly cruel to me when some one is grieving and others seem totally fine.
  • It seems horrifying to me sometimes that people feel bad, feel dejected, feel lost in this world but no one is there for them, why? Because, "it goes on.", "life goes on" 
  • Only major things are usually remembered and grieved by people together
  • After a long day of work, what might have seemed important might not, and you'll probably enjoy life more. 

From Admin
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 "Stay Positive"

These 2 words have just made my day. Imagine a world full of grey clouds that never let light through... just imagine like that. How will you live without that inner light? 

Stay Positive Folks!  

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"Sometimes I preyed to be normal.
but it gets boring.
So I go back to being me." 
~ Anonymous 

Sometimes we are not happy with who we are, we not exactly that. Let me rephrase. sometimes, we just want to fit i and to get people to accept us, but this is hiding who you really are inside. So, if we are lying to both ourselves, and people around us, even if you are well liked by others, you will feel rather empty because people like you for someone who your not. 

So instead of being normal and trying to fit in, why don't you just be yourself, and someone will definitely be fond of you and will get along with you. Just be yourself, besides being someone you aren't,  "it gets boring.

Wed 21st May, 2014
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1 comment:

  1. Wow, this post is very powerful, Christine. It sounds like those three little words have a host of meanings-- sometimes contradictory, and that they are ALL important. I learned something new! Love this blog. Can't wait to see what else goes on here! -Ms. Y
